Baby Teething

Baby Teething

For many new parents certain times in their child's development can be difficult. One of them is teething as it can make your baby very ill and also very cranky. Happy babies can become fussy and those that normally eat well can become very picky about it. As a new parent you may not realize what is wrong with your baby. They may have a high fever in addition to these other signs.

A baby can start to teeth at any point, but most do so about three months of age. Others don't until about a year though so don't worry about when it takes place. Some teeth will be harder for them to get in than others. You may see your baby smile and discover they have a new tooth coming in. If you think they may be teething you can feel the surface of the gums. You may see the tip of it poking through as well.

One of the most common signs of a baby teething is the drool. They will seem to soak their shirts in no time at all. You can give them small balls that dissolve in their mouth to help cut down on the amount of drool. Most doctors will tell you this is going to help the new teeth come in though. Place a bid on their shirt so it will soak up the drool. Change them as necessary to keep your baby comfortable.

You can place ointment on the gums to numb them and this will give your baby some temporary relieve. There are teething rings as well that you freeze and then let them chew on. Many babies will also chew on their toys, hands, and even their shoes while they are teething. Older babies may like to chew on a piece of beef jerky as well.

Do your very best to comfort your baby when they are teething. This includes giving them soft foods and medicine to relieve the pain. This is a part of parenting that can be difficult but you will get through it. Your child may end up very unhappy during the process so give them all the love and attention you can. They will likely be exhausted as well so let them sleep when they are comfortable enough to do so.